Band: Blue October
Venue: House Of Blue
City: Atlantic City, NJ
Date: August 27, 2009
Photos: DerekBrad Photography
Comments: It was a Blue October night in August down in the city largest gambling city in the U.S. Justin the vocalist of the band made for very interesting photos with all of his emotion that he puts into his performance. The moment I enjoyed most was when Justin got down right in the front of the stage for a few moments of the a song. I had some of that emotion caught in my lens.
WOW! Your pictures are phenomenal! One of the amazing things about Blue October and Justin specifically is his ability to bring so much emotion into every performance. You captured that so well.
Wow! Nice shots. That one of Ryan is KILLER!!
Some of your best work-you honestly really capture something in Justin....magnificent........visual music ecstacy
Awesome! I got to see them in Baltimore...
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